Medieval Orthodox Numismatic Coins Directory

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John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 48BG
rarity: U
nominal value: silver ceremonial aspra
John Shishman

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo and unlocalized mint near Ruse
uid: 49BG
rarity: RR
nominal value: silver aspra(type immobilise)

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 50BG
rarity: RR
nominal value: silver aspra

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 51BG
nominal value: silver aspra
John Shishman

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 52BG
nominal value: billon tornoise

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 53BG
nominal value: billon tornoise
John Shishman

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 54BG
nominal value: copper assaria
John Shishman

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 55BG
nominal value: copper assaria
John Shishman

John Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Unlocalized mint near Ruse
uid: 56BG
rarity: RR
nominal value: copper skifat
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